Charlie´s Blog


Good Morning. My name is Charlie and I am head of security here at X pat radio 2. I am 7 years old (in dog years) but I am not sure how old I am in human years if you could let me know that would be woof tastic

I would like tell you a little bit about myself . I was born in Nottingham England in 2010 and My Mummy and Daddy bought me when I was only 12 weeks old. I had 6 brothers and sisters but all got sold until there was only my sister and me left. When Mummy and Daddy came to look at us they wanted my sister but she used to bully me and they were told that I was the quiet one (I soon changed my ways when they got me home)

When I was 2 years old they packed up all their belongings and put me on a big metal bird and brought me to Tenerife where it sunshine’s everyday and I can play outside till late. My mummy sometimes shouts at me because i bark when the kids come out to play because I want to go and join in their games

My job here at x pat radio is security so i have to make sure all the doors are locked at night time and the lights are all switched off. I have 4 flights of stairs to go up before we get to the office so they give a drink of water before I start then on the way home I sometimes get took to the pub but I can only have water again because I don’t like beer, mummy and daddy do and that’s what they have. Mummy and daddies friend Ian says he has coffee but I think he has something in it as well…. then he has a proper beer after

charlie x      

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